Sunday, October 27, 2019

Memphis Belle to the rescue (Rescue Team Report)

OK, after the crazy day we experienced yesterday, we were anxious to get to Memphis to pick up the Model A and start the return trip home.   After we had breakfast we called Marty to let her know when we expected to arrive at her house.   The drive to Germantown (actually where the Model A was being stored) was only about an hour away and we had no problems for the short trip.

Marty greeted us as we pulled in front of her house and invited us in for some coffee and just relax a little before we got to work to load the up the Model A.  Back out side I got the Model A started up and drove it on the trailer, then Jack proceeded to tie it down with his straps.  It didn't take long and we were ready to start home, but not before we thanked Marty for allowing me to store the Model A at her home, what a stroke of luck that was.  Before leaving Marty refilled our cooler with some soda and gave us granola bars for the road.  With that we were off.

We stopped for gas ($2.17) and answered questions from others at the station and once on the highway the plan was to get as many mile done today as we could.  By the end of the day we completes almost 600 miles and the truck performed perfectly, although gas mileage dropped to 11 MPG.

I also got word from Bruce and Lou that they made it home today after almost 4000 miles, great job guys.  I believe Bruce will file a report tomorrow.

The Model A's home for the past week

All Loaded up and Jack checking all the straps and connections

Ready to hit the road.

One final good bye and we were off!

Marty was so great to store the Model A for Nan & I 

Jack and Marty before the loading the Model A on the trailer.
Marty said the neighbors are going to miss seeing the Old Car

1 comment:

  1. Great news that you made it safely to Memphis and are loaded for the trip home!
