Thursday, October 10, 2019

Early Start to Zion NP

Today marked the last day of tours for us and our group was scheduled to visit Zion NP.  We had talked to a few friends who had visited the park earlier in the week an were told to get there early to be able to park at the visitor center,
Taking this advice we were ready to go at 7:45 AM, which got us on the road early but the morning temperature was in the low 30's....Burr!  Actually the Model A's seem to run better in the cold weather so that was not a problem, not having the manifold heater was.  Oh well, we kept the windows rolled up and we were fine.
Traffic was light and we had no problems, the only time we stopped was to take some pictures of Bighorn Sheep who were eating beside the road.  The road to the actual park is Utah RT 9 and is was a narrow twisting road that kept the drivers focused and the passengers looking over the edge suggesting the drivers move over.  Not to worry we made it with out any incident and without wearing out the breaks and arrived at the Visitor Center. Our plan to leave early paid off as we had plenty of spaces to park.  To visit the park's attractions you have ride the park shuttle, which was very efficient and made getting around very easy.  We rode the the shuttle to the end of the line at the Temple of Sinawave (or the Narrows).  This where the canyon narrows and the walls rise 1000', it also where you have to be alert for flash floods, which was not a worry today as there has been no rain for quite awhile.
We visited the Museum and watched a great movie on the formation of the park.  The power of Mother Nature is truly amazing.
Next stop was the Zion Lodge where we had bite to eat and did some gift shopping, and then back to the Visitor Center where we used the restroom and bought more souvenirs.
Back to the cars for the trip back to Kanab.  But first Bruce wanted to reset the points on his Model A.  A short test ride show no difference.  Another stop turned into a road side seminar and the condenser was replaced.  This seem to help so Bruce continued to exit the park.  This time we traversed the winding road in the uphill direction and it didn't seem as challenging as going down.  The switchback turns gave us a great view of the other Model A on the road below as they also made the return trip.  We only had one slow down and that was through the 1.1 mile long tunnel through the mountain, what an amazing construction job by the CCC.
We stopped at a few scenic lookouts for some picture taking and then it was back to Kanab and the hotel.  Bruce decided to do some additional trouble shouting to eliminate the slight skip encountered pulling the hills.  One by one distributor parts were changed and when Bruce replace a Rotor things really popped.  When we took the cap off the rotor was destroyed.  It seems this was one of those rotors that was made incorrectly and hit the nubs inside the distributor body, scratch one new rotor.  Bruce decided to replace the whole distributor and it almost ran perfect.  One thing Lou and I noticed was a puff of exhaust from the manifold area when Bruce started the engine, so we re-tightened he manifold nuts, and that seemed to improve the high rpm operation.
The final event of the Canyonland Tour was the banquet at the brand new Kanab Convention Center where 620 tour guests enjoyed a very good buffet dinner.  The tour had 397 registration, 44 cancellations, and 353 final participants.  Our own Mark Smith gave an invitation to everyone to attend the 2021 National Tour in North Conway, NH.
Tomorrow, we pack up and will now start our return trip home.
Here's a video:     Touring in Zion

Entering Zion NP

Bighorn Sheep 

Some of the many amazing sights

The crew coming to the rescue

A scenic stop but the A's were the attraction

Model A's down below look like ants

Entering the 1.1 mile long tunnel

A road side lookout with Ray Lablond from the
Long Island Club bringing up the rear

Such beautiful Model A country

Lou and his Model A

Back at the hotel more work is needed

This is what happens to a poorly made rotor when it it too big
and hits the nubs in the distributor

part of the 620 attending the fairwell banquet

Lou and I at the entrance to the Narrows to
go any further you need water proof boots

Ready for the shuttle

Model A's were all over the place, what a sight

Clara took this picture as Nan & I "discussed" the
operation of the GPS

Bruce & Lou doing a parking lot repair

The ladies waiting for Bruce, Doug and Lou to finish
the parking lot repair

Our Model A waiting for Us to finish the parking lot repair

Checkerboard Mesa

Trish by the Model A's at Checkerboard Mesa

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